Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Yesterday morning Austin did a cut and paste worksheet showing the life cycle of an apple tree.

Then he did a little game with apple riddles.  He had ten apple related pictures in front of him and I would read the riddle and he would have to figure out what it was talking about.

Meanwhile, Adelaide was really getting in the way so I let her play with the dot paints.  That made her extremely happy!

Gavin and I read a book about Israel and then Gavin made a wind sock that kind of looks like their flag.

We finished it today so the picture of the final project is below.

Gavin hasn't had as many activities this week in history so we have been taking advantage by doing some more involved science experiments.  We are reading through a book called 'Elements & Compounds' and there are experiments throughout the book so we have tried a couple.  Yesterday Gavin learned that carbon is the only nonmetal on the periodic table that conduct electricity so we tested that out in an elaborate experiment that basically made a little battery and the electric current ran through the ends of a pencil.  He is holding the battery between the two pieces of foil on the table.

If you look very closely you will see little bubbles going up from the pencil lead.

Today Austin did another apple craft.  It was a simple one.  Adelaide really wanted the dot paints again but I wouldn't give them to her.

The final picture is below.  Here is Gavin's windsock after he finished it.

Today Gavin tested the re-activeness of different types of metal in vinegar.

After seeing which ones fizzed, we put some hot water in a pie pan and placed the bottles inside to see what would happen when the vinegar was heated up a bit.

He recorded his observations in his science journal.

Here are the maps Gavin has worked on for Mesopotamia and Israel.

This is the apple tree that Austin made this morning.

These are the apple books Austin and I have read.

The history books Gavin has read.

And the science book Gavin and I are reading together.

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