Friday, October 2, 2009

Halloween Decorations

Yesterday Gavin helped me make this neat jack o'lantern to go in our front window. I got the idea from Family Fun magazine. It's super simple, you just take black poster board, cut out the face you want (Gavin wanted a scream face) and attach orange tissue paper to the back and stick it in the window. Gavin and I think it's neat. Steven doesn't like it. It would probably look better if I filled in the bottom so you couldn't see into the play room but I figure people can't see that low anyway because of the bushes. Anyone else want to vote? Like it or not...


  1. I happen to think it's cute and you are Superwoman.

  2. You know, I've been thinking we could do the same thing for Christmas with red posterboard with a tree cut out and green tissue paper...
