Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Knights and smiles

Today Gavin played with a reusable sticker book of knights. They are basically window clings you can put on a castle background and move them around. He loved them and was making up all kinds of tales about his knights and dragons. Then he played with his toy knights for a while. We also did a 24 piece Tonka puzzle together and read lots of books.

Austin was in his usual good mood today. Still drooling like crazy. This week I've been setting him down several times a day on the wood floor. I was putting him on a blanket or in his activity gym but he'd scoot off of it and then start fussing when he got to the wood floor. Since he'll be crawling soon, I figured he might as well get used to it. Now he's fine as long as Gavin and/or I lay down next to him. But, every time I pick him back up there's a huge puddle on the floor. I keep expecting to see a tooth but so far, nothing, just lots and lots of drool!
I also managed to cook a whole chicken with veggies (okay it was in a crockpot so there wasn't a whole lot of 'cooking' going on), nine loads of laundry (how do we accumulate so much every week?) and vaccuumed and mopped the floors throughout the house! I think I was very productive.

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