Monday, October 19, 2009

Our Weekend

We finally got the stuff out of storage so now everything is in the house! I'll post some new pictures soon. I'll spend the next couple of weeks unpacking more boxes. But I'm starting to see the end in sight!
I'm really happy it's supposed to be so nice this week! Finally, it will feel like fall instead of winter. That will make unpacking much easier since everything is in the garage.
Last night, we put our 'new' table to good use. I made lasagna and my mom and Ralph came over. We had a good time.
And we found Gavin's old exersaucer. Austin loves it. Mostly because the toys are big enough he can grab them and chew on them. I'll post some pics soon. I got batteries for the little car so we'll see how he reacts to that too!
This weekend, Gavin went to a friend from school's birthday party. I have issues with birthday parties. I only take Gavin to the parties of the kids I know he plays with, but usually, everyone attends every party. Why is that? Normally I don't really worry too much about it but I realized as I sat there that I was planning on having the 4-6 little boys that Gavin plays with at school at his party this year but I will probably have about 15 because there's no polite way to just invite a few kids and everyone goes to the parties. That is alot of kids to entertain and provide food, treats, etc. The other issue is that they get presents from all the kids. Do any of them really need that many presents? I'm going to say no presents on Gavin's invitation. So now I'm starting to stress of the whole birthday thing.


  1. Not a fun thing. You're being nicer than I am.I have always disliked the "all inclusive" party invitations. I'm sure it's to avoid hurt feelings but honestly, the kids don't know and don't care at that age. We usually stick to cousins and that works out great. Camryns was just this weekend at the zoo with Bryans kids and Aiden. More than enough. But no presents!? No, say it isn't soooooo?

  2. P.S. At the party, remember....It's just 3 hours. It's just 3 hours....It's just 3 hours....
    I so wish I could be there to help you!
