Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday and Today

Friday we finished our President's Day activities. Gavin made his toilet paper roll Abe Lincoln to go with his George Washington. Gavin has really seemed to enjoy learning about these two. Although, we also read about the Revolutionary War and the Civil War and I think that is what really held his attention!

We also played CandyLand on Friday...

Gavin is getting really good at waiting his turn and following directions.

Today we started learning about Whales and Oceans. Gavin told me everything he knows about whales and I wrote it down for him (he really likes it when I write down what he is saying).

His story went like this, "I know they can swim. And I know they can jump just like me. But I know they jump higher than me cause they are big huge then me. And I know also that they are as big as knights and as a horse."

Then he drew a picture of a whale. Then we read books about whales and watched some whale videos on YouTube. We read the story of Jonah and Gavin did a Jonah sequencing activity.

We talked about what whales eat and then talked about what we eat...a perfect opportunity to learn about the food pyramid. He put together the food pyramid (it was basically a puzzle) and we talked about what was healthy for us to eat and what wasn't.

(He insisted that was his real smile!)

Finally, we read a book about the Pacific Ocean.

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