Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ocean in a Bottle

Today we made oceans in a bottle. Here are some pictures!
First we poured in sand although there's no pictures because I had to help :-P, then the kids put in some ocean plants...

then we added silver sequins (to represent fish)...

(I call this the 'why are you taking my picture instead of giving me my sequins' look).

Then we added water and food coloring.

Finally, we added stickers of fish to the outside of the bottles (thank you to Highlights magazine for sending them to me in the mail last week for free!) The kids were very pleased with their results. But then I couldn't find my hot glue gun to glue the tops shut so they are now dangerous objects just waiting to be opened so they can spill food coloring all over my furniture. Today I'm going to look for duct tape.

Gavin insisted he needed the bigger bottle and he can barely lift it!

Here are some pictures of Austin playing today (actually it was yesterday, Friday, I'm behind getting them posted)!

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