Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Little Late

It's Sunday night and I'm just now posting pictures from Friday! Saturday Steven worked on the basement while the boys and I did some errands. Today we went to church and then to a friends house to watch the Super Bowl.

Friday we had Kaitlynn and Gavin had the day off from school so they got to play all day long! Kaitlynn loves hats and we happened to find a new one!

Austin hasn't been feeling good this week and yesterday his two top front teeth popped through! Hopefully he'll feel better this week.

Yesterday we went to Penney's and got his 9 month pictures taken! His 1 year pictures are next!

Back to Friday, I got out the house and people for Kaitlynn to play with, which of course meant that they were more exciting then any other toy in the room and Gavin had to play with them too. They had fun playing together even though I gave Gavin a hard time :-P

Then Kaitlynn did a Valentine's craft while Gavin worked on making a toilet paper roll George Washington. Kaitlynn is getting to be a pro with the stickers. She loves to put them on the paper and will spend a long time working on it. Gavin had a little trouble getting Washington's shoes to stick on but he managed. Then he asked to do Abraham Lincoln. Luckily, I happen to have a Lincoln one so we will do that in the next week or two.

So then of course Gavin had to do a Valentine's craft too so he worked on that while Kaitlynn practiced her coloring.

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