while Austin played with a paddleball.
Kaitlynn worked on her hammering skills...
and then she practiced putting coins in the piggy bank. We worked on our colors and putting a certain color in the bank at a time.
Then we did a science experiment with eggs to discover that salt water is more dense than regular water. We filled two cups with water and put salt in one of the cups (Gavin took a drink but immediately spit it out and told me he didn't like salt water!). We talked about density and then Gavin made his predictions about what would happen. He stuck a hard boiled egg in the regular water and it sunk (which was his prediction) and then he put an egg in the salt water and it floated (which was his prediction). Then we tried it with raw eggs to see what would happen and got the same results. We talked about how it is easier to float in the salt water and that probably helps the whales swim when they are so huge! Gavin did an excellent job and really enjoyed this activity! I have been wanting to do more science related activities but we seem to have been learning more about people lately.
Finally, we did a Jonah craft. Gavin drew Jonah in the whales belly and you can open the top whale to show Jonah in his belly!
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