Saturday, April 24, 2010

Earth Day!

This morning, in honor of Earth Day (yes we honor Earth Day in our house!), Gavin and I got up and picked up trash at a local park.  Our town always has volunteers go out and pick up trash on Earth Day weekend.  I've been trying to find things that we could volunteer and do together but it's been hard because of Gavin's age and if I have to hold Austin it puts a bit of a damper on how much I can help.  However, he's been picking up random trash we see on the trail or in parking lots, etc. so I thought this would be perfect for him.  They gave us a park and it was perfect because it only took about an hour and we enjoyed spending the time together.  Hopefully, we will be able to take advantage of more volunteer opportunities in the future.

And, since we were in a park, when we were done he got to play on the playground for a while.

Luckily, it didn't start raining until we were finished!
Then we got Austin and Gramma and went down to the Nature Center for their Earth Day activities, which I must say, were very sparce and a little disappointing.  Luckily all the exhibits kept us busy and we had a good time.  And, while we were there, Austin decided to start climbing stairs!

After the Nature Center we spent some time at Gramma's house and Austin kept climbing up the stairs.  He was so excited and proud of himself when he got to the top!  He likes to clap for himself!  Then he'd try to go back down head first so he still has some stair learning to do!
And, he climbed up into this chair all by himself a couple times and sat there having fun.

We had a busy but fun day!

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