This morning we went with Gavin's preschool to the local nature center to learn about frogs, toads and salamanders. We had a great time!
I think 'stuffed' animals are kind of creepy, especially squirrels that are stuffed and hung off a tree to look like it's climbing it but that's my own personal opinion. Anyway, they had a ton of stuffed animals all over the place. We spent the first ten minutes or so exploring.
Then the progam started and the kids got to see and touch a tree frog, a toad and a salamander. This was very exciting although Gavin catches toads all the time (he already caught two this week) from under our porch so that wasn't anything new for him. But he did really like the tree frog and the salamander.
Then we went outside to search for frog eggs, tadpoles and frogs in a pond.
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