Thursday, April 22, 2010

Random Playings

This week when we went to the park and down the trail, Gavin was looking for different types of leaves for a project he was working on.  He got it put together and I got this picture taken just in time because Austin found it not much later and tore off all the leaves!
Then he did a growth-of-a-tomato sequencing activity.

Austin is getting to be very scholarly, just look at his interest in books!

His shorts are a little big!  I switched him up to 12-18 month clothes and they are big on him but he'll grow into them by the end of the summer.  These shorts don't have much of a waist band so most of his pants do stay on a little better!
Today Dad stayed home and worked on digging out a new flower bed in the backyard by the patio.  Gavin and Calla had fun looking at the gigantic worms!

Gavin helped Dad smooth out the garden bed for a few minutes.

Then it was on to baseball!  Thank you Grandpa Ben and Grandma Sue for the awesome baseball set!  Gavin is thrilled with it!

He's not quite understanding that you have to actually touch the base, he more just goes by it.
Then the kids played downstairs for a while.  Here are some random pics.

Austin was very excited to find a bottle but could not figure out why he couldn't get anything out of it!

He also really enjoyed the tunnel!

And, Gavin is really into feeding his brother for some reason.  They both seem to enjoy it!

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