Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We're Back!

I got home Saturday night and have been in catch up mode since but we are finally getting back on our normal routine.  Sunday we had a lazy day around the house.  Gavin played on his tractor and Austin played in the grass. 

Yesterday, after finishing our laundry, we went to a local park and walked around for a little bit.  There are a ton of wildflowers out and they are really pretty!
We found this pretty flower everywhere!  We looked on the computer when we got home and think maybe it's a wild Sweet William?

We spent most of our time by the stream.  Gavin could throw rocks into the water all day long.

Austin mostly chewed on the binoculars but at least he wasn't chewing on the rocks!

Gavin took a few minutes to draw a picture of something he observed while we were there.

Today we went for a walk on the trail.  This was Gavin right after telling me to get out of the way before he ran into me...

I guess I should take less pictures!  Gavin got his first big scraped knee today.  He was trying to ride down the hill our house is on to get to the trail and started going too fast and forgot he had brakes and went down.  He had almost made it all the way to the bottom before he lost control.  Anyway, he still managed to have fun riding his bike!  We went all the way to the playground today and the kids had a great time!

Austin really wanted to chase Gavin up this little slide but he couldn't quite make it to the top!

I am very annoyed with myself because I had a few more really cute pictures and I accidently erased them off my camera!  Anyway, we had a good day!

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