After a very delicious breakfast of French toast, we went outside to look for Easter eggs. That sneaky Easter bunny found our house again this year. Gavin was a little afraid he wouldn't know we moved. He did a great job hiding eggs too considering there's not much in our yard to hide things in.
Then we got dressed and went to church. I realize I am completely biased, but I don't think you could have found two more handsome little boys anywhere yesterday morning! Gavin's tie had Easter bunnies and eggs on it and Austin's little shoes had bunnies on them too! Very cute! After church we had Easter dinner and then Gavin dyed his Easter eggs. We were a little late on this one this year. He's got it down to a science. No giddy excitement like the last couple years but he enjoyed it and kept checking the eggs to make sure they were the exact color he wanted them to be before taking them out.
After that we just relaxed. Austin practiced standing a little more...
...then we went outside! Gavin and Dad mowed the yard. And, we have some seeds sprouting!
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