Thursday, July 22, 2010


Gavin and I went to explore a cave yesterday and look for bats.  It was part of a great program offered by the conservation department.  First the kids listen to a brief chat and a story by our guide.

Then we walked to the cave, stopping at lookouts along the way.
Smile Gavin!
Gavin did great in the cave.  We had big thunderstorms with lots of rain that morning so the water was higher than usual and running fast.  We went further into the cave than anyone else but didn't see any bats.  We could have gone a little farther safely but the guide wanted us to stay where she could see us.  But, she said the cave is open to the public so maybe we'll go back sometime before school starts.  The only time Gavin got nervous was when I dropped his hand to take his picture.
Some more pictures of Austin with his stacker toy.
He loves this thing and now he claps for himself when he gets it all put together.

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