Thursday, July 15, 2010


I have been very bad about posting stuff the last couple of weeks.  Last week we were cleaning and getting back into routines and this week Gavin has had French camp every morning and soccer camp every evening so it's been hectic.  But, here are a couple of pictures of Gavin in his new glasses:

Our sunflowers are in full bloom! 

One of them only grew about half as tall as the other and the other morning we went outside and it had fallen right over!

Austin continues to practice his walking skills.  He has discovered that he can walk over to his brother, sit on him and poke his belly button which is a very fun new game.

He loves his blocks!

He is very proud of himself when he gets to where he is going.
Gavin is dancing for Austin in this picture!
We aren't working on any states this week since we've been so busy, but we did have one last New Jersey project that we hadn't gotten around too...making blueberry muffins!  We found a great recipe with a cinnamon/sugar crumble topping.

Gavin declared them, "The best muffins EVER!" when he was eating his!
The kids spent most of the day playing with the kitchen.  I brought it upstairs so it's like a whole new toy now that it is in a different location.

While the little ones were in the kitchen Gavin played in the bathroom...that's his I want to be alone spot!

It wasn't long before Gavin joined the others. He doesn't like too much solitude.
I actually caught Calla smiling today!

A soccer game was played in the living room.  At least Gavin was trying to make it a soccer game but the girls didn't exactly follow the rules.   They had fun anyway!
The the neighbor boy came over and Gavin played with him.  The girls seemed to agree that boys are weird...
Then the little ones worked hard to put a puzzle together...strangely enough, after all that effort, not one piece made it back in.

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