Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Saturday the house really was a zoo as the kids dug out Gavin's old tiger Halloween costume and they took turns chasing each other around with the mask on their head.

Austin has finally figured out how to get on the moving toys and has been enjoying getting to ride around the house.

Yesterday we went to a little kids water park.  I wanted to take pictures but I have to hold onto Austin the whole time and there's water everywhere so I have been to afraid to take my camera with me.

Today Gavin and I started Georgia.  I thought it would only take about four days but we are so far out of our routine it's kind of hard to get back into it.  But, we are learning about Cherokee Indians, right whales (their state mammal), peanuts (how they grow and are made into other products), Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King Jr.
Austin spent a good part of the afternoon 'vacuuming' with the stick horse.  It was really cute!  He even bent down to 'vacuum' under tables!  I appreciated the help since the floor always is in need of a good vacuuming.

Well it certainly didn't take long before Austin figured out he can ram into his brother with his riding toy.  Luckily Gavin thinks it's super funny and is good enough not to ram back!

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