Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We are trying to get back into our normal routine this week.  As much as we enjoyed the time off I think everyone is enjoying getting back into our regular schedule.

Yesterday we started learning about the American Revolution.  We are actually taking a closer look at George Washington's life first.  We will probably focus on the lives of the founding fathers and reasons behind the war more than the war (battles,etc.) itself although we will read about that too.

So to get started we are reading two books.  One is George Washington: 25 Great Projects You Can Build Yourself.  It has some pages you read and then activity suggestions.  Yesterday we started reading and then Gavin was a silversmith.  We covered a plastic plate with foil and he etched a design into the foil.

It's hard to see but it's a whale swimming in the ocean when it's raining.  I'm not exactly sure that would be an authentic Colonial theme but I wasn't going to be picky about it!

We are also reading this chapter book about George Washington at mealtimes.

Of course, we are also back into our reading, phonics and writing.

Austin got some nice things for Christmas that are perfect for school.  He started this morning with a farm-theme felt set.

Then he played with a Thomas the Train matching game.

Then he did a snowman color matching game.  It's supposed to be a file folder game.  I found it on this great website:  They have all sorts of free file folder games for preschool through 5th grade.  But, I didn't put it in a file folder and it still works just fine!

Santa did bring Austin a few pre-made file folder games.  Today he did a car color matching game.

Then he played with these linking toys.  I'm not sure what they were called but Austin got them in his Christmas stocking.  They are actually toys from Wendy's kids meals.  We don't eat fast food very often but when we do we go to Wendy's.  Depending on the toy I either tell them to not give us one or, if it's something good, I hide it in my purse and put it in the boy's Christmas stockings.  Gavin got some Lego race cars and a travel checkers game from this method.  So far I have gotten away with this scheme without being caught and neither of the boys have any idea that kids meals come with toys!

Anyway, these linking toys are awesome because you can build in lots of directions, not just up or across.  Austin loved these!  I wasn't sure he'd be able to get them together because they do require good fine motor control but he didn't have too much trouble at all.  We only had two bags of them and there were quite a few pieces in each bag but now I kind of wish we'd gone back to get a couple more!

This was a 'goose'.

This was an airplane.

Gavin has started his 1st grade math book!  He is very proud of himself.  Of course, it starts back at the beginning reviewing Kindergarten so it's still really easy right now.  Seriously, we are reviewing numbers 1-10, adding 1 and remembering how to use tally marks and the abacus.

Austin was still playing with the linking toys.

And, we have started learning about the weather and we are already behind because I am not prepared!  I went to the library and all the books I wanted were checked out so apparently someone else is learning about weather right now too.  And, I need a few supplies for experiments and haven't been able to get my hands on them yet.  I will try to get my act together by next week!  We did read a couple introduction books today.

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