Monday, January 30, 2012

We are once again trying to wrap things up in the next couple of weeks in expectation of taking some time off after the baby is born.  Gavin has two more books to read for this month's Book It so he can get his free pizza.  He didn't read any of the 12 required books before this weekend and I told him that from now on he has to read three each week instead of doing them all the last week of the month. 

He is going to recite Psalm 23 to Dad tomorrow.  Dad is the official grader of the monthly Bible verses.  In February we won't have a composer, artist or chapter of the Bible since the month is up in the air as far as how much school actually gets done.  Check the blog though because even if we don't have school pictures we should have baby pictures!

Today I took a bunch of pictures of Austin working on his new activities for the week.  First he did an opposites file folder with help.  I would say, "This bear is hot, can you find the cold bear?" or "This bird is above the branch, which bird is below the branch?" and he would find the picture so he wasn't really finding the opposite on his own.

He did a snowman sequencing activity, biggest to smallest and then smallest to biggest.  Then he got out this ladybug matching game Gavin gave him for Christmas.  He loved this game!  There are about twelve different game boards with pictures and the ladybugs cover the pictures.  You lift the ladybugs to try and find your matches.  Austin had a great time playing this!  First he matched farm animals and then we switched the game board to vehicles.

Meanwhile, Gavin was working on his reading and cursive writing.  He had some graded work to do today in his phonics book.

Then Austin worked on this stacking shapes game.

In math today Gavin identified quadrilaterals.

Then he learned to add 10s by making them 1s.  For example, adding 50+40 in his head by converting it to 5+4 and then adding the 0 in the ones place.

There are only two books about snow in our library and both have been checked out for several months.  I think someone has taken them permanently.  Anyway, today we just read a couple books about snow, but not so much the science of snow.  We read about Snowflake Bentley.  This book talked a little bit about the science of snow but is mostly biography of Bentley.

Then we read this biography of John Thompson.  This had nothing to do with science but it's a good story anyway.

I do read to Austin too, I just forget to put the books on here.  Today Austin and I read about Valentine's Day and snow.

Here is the geometric sorting game Austin was playing.  It's by Plan Toys.
This is the ladybug memory game by Pavillion at Toys R Us.  Gavin had $10/person to spend for Christmas and he did a great job finding good things in his budget.

It's supposed to be in the 60s today so the boys are playing outside...I'm not sure what they are playing but I hear "fire" being said a lot and Gavin has is gun with him so I'm guessing it's some sort of war taking place.  Anyway, we will finish science this week learning a little bit about meteorologists.  I'm not sure when we will finish the American Revolution.  We will work on it until the baby's born and then we may pick up again later.  We are focusing more on the people involved than the specific battles, etc. (although we have read a lot about the major battles while reading about Washington) so it should be fine to pick up later.

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