Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy July 4th!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Independance Day!

I had Adelaide all dressed up in her July 4th outfit and had her all set up to get some cute can see how much she appreciated my effort.

We didn't have any traditional July 4th foods and Dad didn't grill but I did make a yummy red, white and blue dessert that was very well received.  It has strawberries, blueberries and Cool Whip.  Ordinarily I would use cream and not Cool Whip, which doesn't have one ingredient I can pronounce and the expiration date isn't until the end of 2013, but I had it in the fridge leftover from something I was going to make but didn't so I thought we might as well use it.  It was supposed to go in a milkshake glass but we don't have milkshake glasses only wine glasses (that might say a little something about the people living in our house) but it looked pretty anyway and the boys really enjoyed it!

Even Adelaide got a little taste of Cool Whip...suddenly, life was good...

We went downtown to watch the fireworks but before they started the boys got to hang out with the firemen for a little bit.

Austin saw a helmet laying there and very politely asked if he could wear it.  The fireman was very nice and let him try it on.  Austin was a little surprised it was so much heavier then the one he has at home.

Here we are waiting for the fireworks to begin.

Finally it was dark enough to shoot off fireworks!  We had a great view from the top of a parking garage that overlooked the parking garage where they were shooting off the fireworks so we could see them from beginning to end.

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