Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Today we have a bunch of pictures of Adelaide.  For some reason I started to worry that I wasn't taking enough pictures of her!  I'm not sure if that's true or not but we have lots from this week.  Gavin has been at a robotics camp this week.  It's the only all day camp he's going to this summer.  He has been really enjoying it but Austin isn't too happy his brother is gone all day.  Yesterday about 1:30 Austin looked at me and said, "Mommy, we are going to pick up Gavin in two minutes!"

Here are some pictures of Adelaide.

This is now her favorite way to eat, with her feet up on the tray of her high chair!  She likes to be comfortable.  She's had oatmeal with cinnamon roasted applesauce; apples, blueberries and spinach; and peaches, pear and oatmeal this week.  She's had something else too but I can't remember what it was...but baby food has come a long way in the last six years! 

Our baby birds learned to fly!

I'm not sure how this situation came about but both parties thought it was funny.  Gavin needed help to get out but I thought a few pictures first were in order!

She really likes to pull the tongue on the dragon puppet on her exersaucer.

I think Austin is going to get a job in finance.  Today he was counting his money using both the abacus and the cash an empty bottle of vanilla that now belongs in the play kitchen.

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