Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today was the first day under 100 degrees we've had in at least a month (99 degrees doesn't count despite what the weather lady says).  So the kids and I went to the park this afternoon after lunch.  Adelaide did very well considering it was her usual nap time and she won't sleep if we aren't home.  We went to a new park and the boys had a great time!  It was only in the 80s but the park was almost empty because it was raining a little bit.  Just enough to get you wet, not enough to soak you!  The rain didn't bother us at all!

Our tentative start date for first grade is August 6th, which is the Monday after next.  I discussed it with Gavin and our thought was that if we start a little early we can be done a little early and the weather is nicer in May then it is in August.  He wanted to start this coming Monday but I thought that since he's had camp the last three weeks, one more week off with nothing planned would be better then going straight to school.  Plus, I'm not quite ready!  Anyway, I'll post our first grade plan sometime next week.  It's going to be a busy year!

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