Wednesday, July 25, 2012

This week Gavin is going to his last camp for the summer.  It's a church camp and it's only half day which Austin appreciates since he didn't like Gavin being gone all day last week. 

Austin and I have been playing some new games this week.  He is good at memory games and he loves to play but this week I got out a couple board games to see how he would do with them.  One is the Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel game.  Both the boys love this game!  Basically, there are different colored acorns in the tree, you spin the spinner to see what color acorn you are supposed to get, then you use little squirrel tongs to pick up the correct color acorn and put it back in your log.  There's also a space where you can steal someone else's acorn from their log and another where a big storm blows all your acorns back into the tree.

Austin made this amazing airplane!

We also played a Rescue Heroes game.  It's basically Chutes & Ladders but you are firemen saving a pet hospital and you climb up ladders and go down fire hoses.  As you move up if you land on certain spaces there are cards you can collect of the animals you've saved from the fire.

Austin played with Joey dress-up.

The boys put on a puppet show for Adelaide using finger puppet animals.

Here's Adelaide hanging out while her brothers eat dinner yesterday.

And here is Gavin and Adelaide just before bed tonight!

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