Sunday, July 15, 2012

One of our butterflies emerged on Friday afternoon!  I'm not sure if it was Louis or Marie Antoinette but after admiring it for a few minutes we let it fly away.  We are still waiting for the other one to emerge.

The boys played outside with the trucks again.  They created a 'lake' with the water hose and were trying to build a dam.

A sign of a good day, chocolate around your mouth and dirt all over the rest of you!

Adelaide's busy chewing on her hands.

Gavin spent the afternoon Saturday wearing his underwear, chaps, bandana and hat.

Another sign of a good day, falling asleep on the kitchen floor.

Adelaide was very interested in this soft, squishy bulldozer!

We have one more chapter left in our animal book.

We finished Prickly Possum and started Jimmy Skunk.

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