Thursday, July 12, 2012

We are back to a busy schedule this week with both the boys going to French camp in the mornings.  I have been working on a couple projects so I haven't posted in a while.

The most exciting thing that happened this week was Austin trying a jalapeno from the garden.  It was sitting on the island with some tomatoes and he kept telling me he wanted it.  I was trying to talk him out of it and finally I told him he could try it.  Well, I guess it goes to show that you should just let kids try things because he liked it!  I kept asking him if he liked it and he said it was good.

This was Austin telling me that it was hurting his mouth, but it was still 'good' and he didn't want to stop eating it.

Here is Adelaide in her exersaucer!

This is supposed to be the time she practices rolling over and such but she really just lays there and chews on her hands.

I'm not sure what she's thinking in this picture, but I'm pretty sure it's a good thing she's not talking yet.

Adelaide's reaction to trying summer squash, potato and parmesan.  Sounds good to me too!

We have some baby birds in our birdhouse.  They are getting big and hanging out of the front of the door so I think they'll be flying soon.  We've enjoyed watching mom and dad bring them food.

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