Friday, October 26, 2012

We only have one lesson left in our first grade RightStart Math book.  Yesterday Gavin worked reading the temperature on a thermometer and telling time to the minute.
He finished his tracing of Bull Run.

Today the boys went to a homeschoolers Halloween party so you get a sneak peak at the costumes.

We read about Jefferson Davis today and then Gavin practiced painting a still life like Paul Gauguin.  This was the painting we studied.
Luckily for us, Jackson always sleeps in front of the door and is there about 23 hours a day so we had the dog part of our painting.  I set a couple 'goblets' in front of him and some apples and Gavin drew, and then painted, what he saw.

Here's a closer look at what he was painting.  Jackson was a little nervous about receiving so much attention.  You know your dog doesn't get enough attention when he gets nervous when getting attention!

Austin knows we paint on Fridays and he is always very excited to participate.  Today he painted a shark.

Here is Gavin's finished painting.  The red at the top is the door, the yellow at the bottom if the wood floor.

We read this book about Jefferson Davis today.

And we finished this book last night.

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