Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This morning Austin worked on a maze and a dot to dot 1-20.  Then we read The Grouchy Ladybug and he started a ladybug craft, which we will finish in the morning.

Gavin has been doing a lot of reviewing in math the last week.  Last year we stopped at a review quiz and yesterday he took the quiz again and did great so we are continuing on in the book.  When we stopped last year he was learning how to divide shapes into halves, to make perfect triangles and lines, etc.  Today he divided triangles and a circles into thirds.  First he had to draw perfect triangles so he used his triangle. 

Continuing on our journey of Mexico we read about Omar in Children Just Like Me.  Then we did a craft making Mexican tissue paper flowers.  We put our flowers onto a piece of construction paper using bright colors like those popular in Mexico.  First we cut out rough petal shapes out of tissue paper, then Gavin pushed the petals onto a pipe cleaner.

Then he crumpled up the paper before straightening them out again.  He glued the stems onto a piece of construction paper and then added a vase for them to be in.  Adelaide was very interested in this craft!

Can we say nosy sister?  Luckily, Gavin doesn't mind at all!

This was the final product.

For history Gavin added an overlay on his map of Egypt he labeled last week by tracing the map on a piece of tracing paper that was stapled to the top of the old map.  I should have taken a picture but didn't.  He then labeled important cities onto the new map so you can see the parts of Egypt on the bottom through the tracing paper (Lower/Upper Egypt, Red/Black lands, etc.)  Then we made mud bricks.  We started by adding sand and water to a bowl.

After mixing it together Gavin put the mud into an ice cube tray.

After he had filled the tray half way Austin added some dried grass from outside to see if that would make the bricks stronger.

Then Gavin added this new mixture to the rest of the tray.

Finally, he put them in the sun to dry.

Then we went swimming!

When we came home Gavin immediately went to check on the bricks.  We got them out of the ice cube tray with no problem.  Some held together fairly well but some just fell apart.  We weren't quite as successful with our mud bricks as the ancient Egyptians!

Gavin read parts of this book today about Egypt.

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