Thursday, August 22, 2013

Yesterday morning Austin worked on a simple maze, trying to stay in between the lines and not touch them.

Then he finished the ladybug he had started on Tuesday by adding a head, legs, and of course, spots!

Adelaide did give him a minute peace while she looked at her books.

But it didn't last long!

And here is his ladybug...

Gavin is still working on fractions.  I got out these fraction circles so he could see fractions more concretely than just dividing shapes on paper.  There is one whole, one half, one third, one fourth, one sixth and one eighth.

Then I asked him questions like 'what is half of one fourth' and he was able to use the circles to find the answer.

Then he worked on his RightStart Math dividing triangles into fourths.

Then he divided a triangle into eighths.  At the bottom he counted by 4's to 80 and then circled the multiples of 8.

In history, Gavin read a book about hieroglyphs and the book came with a handy stencil so he practiced stenciling hieroglyphs.

In science we talked about the scientific method and why scientists use it.  I put a toy into a shoe box and then let Gavin try to guess what was in the box.

Finally he got to open the box!

It was a little disappointing that it was only a toy train.

Austin and I read this book again.

And this is the book Gavin read.

This morning Austin and I worked on ladybug patterns.

Then he played this counting/matching game.  He had to match the ladybugs to their mate on the board.  Each of the ladybugs has a different number of spots so he had to count the spots to find the match.

Then he did a simple opposites worksheet.

And a find the match worksheet.

In math, I got out this fractions game.
Adelaide really enjoyed putting the eggs in their carton.

Gavin used it as another tool to learn fractions.  I started by asking him to show one half of the eggs, then one third, one forth and so on until we came to one twelfth.  It took him a bit to get used to the idea, but once he got it he did great!  It was a lot different working with a number and having to divide it into a fraction than just dividing a shape into a fraction.

For history Gavin got on the National Geographic website.  They have a great virtual tour of a couple pyramids and the Sphinx in Giza.  First he looked out over Cairo standing on top of the pyramid, where he could see other smaller pyramids around it.  Then he got to go inside and 'walk' through the tunnels into the chambers.  After exploring the pyramids he got a close up virtual tour of the Sphinx.  It was really cool.

Last week we searched the Internet for plants and animals native to Egypt.  We printed out some that we found and today Gavin put them on a small poster board to make a display.

Here is the finished poster.

Today Austin and I read this book.

And Gavin finished reading this book.

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