Friday, August 30, 2013

Yesterday in math Gavin used his triangle to make perfectly diagonal lines on a clock.

We read a fiction book that was based on a true story that took place in Mexico in geography.  Then Gavin started painting a Mexican style blanket.

I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but we are starting a Book of the Centuries which Gavin will be filling in as he learns for the next several years.  It's basically a big timeline.  Every time Gavin learns about an important event or person, be it in history, the Bible, missionaries (we read about a missionary every Friday) or scientist, Gavin puts a picture and the date(s) in his Book of the Centuries.  It will be interesting to see how peoples lives and events overlap as we fill it in.  We have put in ancient Egypt, some specific Pharaohs, the Exodus, Howard Carter (who discovered King Tut's tomb), Thomas Edison and several missionaries so far.  

Yesterday in history Gavin used some Egyptian life stickers from the Dover company to make an Egyptian mural while I read the book Tutankhamen's Gift by Robert Sabuda to him.

This was the book we read in geography.

This is the book I read to him in history.

In science we learned about the periodic table and then did an experiment with ice and salt.  We learned that if you sprinkle salt on ice it melts.  Also if you put another ice cube or a piece of string on top of an ice cube with salt they will stick to it.

This morning Gavin put white pipe cleaners cut in half on the sides of his Mexican blanket to make fringe.  (I had punched holes on both ends with a hole puncher.)

We have been working on poetry on Fridays has well.  We have been reading the poem, "If You Don't Believe in Dragons" by Jack Prelutsky.  It goes like this:

If you don't believe in dragons,
It is curiously true,
That the dragons you disparage,
Choose not to believe in you.

Last Friday Gavin was given the assignment of writing his own poem, fashioned after Mr. Prelutsky's, about something you may not believe in.  Today he wrote that poem in his poetry journal.

If You Don't Believe in Monsters
by Gavin

If you don't believe in monsters,
When they're hiding under your bed,
They might come out and jump on you,
And then you'll be dead!

The illustration is at the bottom of the page.

After that he worked on finishing his Pharaoh mask.  He took it outside and sprayed with with metallic gold spray paint.

When it was dry he painted it with colors.

His kohl is running a bit but it happens to all of us.  Then ends of the mask started rolling up a little but it still turned out nicely.

He read this book today.

And I read this to him while he worked on his mask.

That wraps up our study of ancient Egypt!

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