Thursday, December 31, 2009
Here it is!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas Toys
he hasn't wanted to get dressed. Yesterday he spent all day in his pajamas until he took a bath and put on a new pair. Today he finally decided to get dressed around lunchtime. He is enjoying his vacation time I guess.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
So the last two days we have been trying to get organized. We are moving the playroom downstairs and I've been getting storage containers for toys and shelves to put them on. I want to use the room we are using as a playroom now (which is technically the formal dining room) as a craft room for Gavin to do projects in and for me to scrapbook in. I'll take some pictures of the new space later this week hopefully!
The little boy who lives down the road came over as Gavin finished his painting and stayed for four hours so he's going to put on the stickers tomorrow. The good thing about that was Gavin was occupied so I got a lot done around the house while they were playing and Austin was napping.
Austin worked on his pincer grasp. He did a good job picking up his food but not even one of them actually made it into his mouth! That made the dogs very happy!
and Kim asked about the lady who made Gavin's football players, her website is:
if someone could forward those on to them I would appreciate it!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
More Jumperoo Video - so funny!
I know I'm at risk for overdoing the jumperoo videos, but this kid is cracking me up on this thing!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Mom and Dad make a gift for Gavin
First I went to Home Depot and bought a 2 ft. X 2 ft. sheet of plywood. I cut it down to 24" X 14", and cut that in half.
Once the hinges were in place, the project really started to take shape.
We had to have a way to latch the box shut when it was closed. My solution? I went to Hobby Lobby and paid $1.99 for a little pine box from China, just for the latch.
It was just the right size for this project, and closes the box tight.
Time to paint. Kristyn pretty much took over at this point. She painted the playing surface green, using paint left over from painting Gavin's bedroom. She painted the sides with blue paint, also from Gavin's room. The inside, she lined with brown felt, white lettering, cheerleaders, and footballs. This way, the paint on the football players doesn't get chipped.
I also made field goal posts, using some square dowel, and smaller round dowel. I cut the square dowel to length for the uprights, crossbar and support, then drilled a hole in the bottom of the support to seat the round dowel with glue. I assembled the goalposts, and drilled holes in the playing surface so the goal posts can be inserted.
Finally, Kristyn painted numbers on the yardlines, and placed Dallas Cowboy markings at midfield and in the endzone. I think the finished product turned out great!
Top Hats and Jumperoos
And, yesterday Kaitlynn was over and she found Gavin's top hat. She wore it for quite a while and she had to hold it up or it fell over her eyes. This is a real top hat I found at an estate sale one day so it's big. Gavin likes it too! He thinks he's Abe Lincoln when he wears it.