Monday, December 7, 2009

Reindeer and Angels

Saturday, Gavin and Kaitlynn finished their reindeers that they started on Friday. We had to finish them first thing in the morning because our day was so busy so Gavin was still in his pajamas.

Gavin's is on the left and Kaitlynn's is on the right. I think they turned out nicely.

Today, Gavin circled all the words that begain with 'S' and then wrote the number of items he circled in the box.

He also counted Christmas items one through five and counted different ornaments on a Christmas tree.

Then he helped Santa get to Rudolph. I thought this maze might be hard for him but he had no problem getting through it and didn't even have to turn around.

And, Gavin made an angel girl.

We are really enjoying Christmas!

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