I think it went well but it was really chaotic, which I expected, but I wasn't sure if it was 'good' chaotic or 'bad' chaotic. But, when we went inside to eat after playing games outside, I heard a couple kids tell Gavin he had a great party so I felt a little better after that. It's kind of hard to tell with kids sometimes. The older kids got the games but the younger kids were a little confused.
When the kids arrived, they got to decorate a shield. There were crowns, jewels, pom poms, glitter, etc. There was also a castle to play with.
Then we went outside to play games. The rain held off and the weather wasn't too bad. We got some sprinkles in the morning and I thought we may not be able to go outside but we lucked out. First the kids played 'Feed the Dragon' beanbag toss and 'Sword the Knight', basically, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.
Then we played 'Save the Maiden'. This did not go super well. The kids got blow up swords, which was exciting, and they got balloons and they were supposed to hit the balloon with the sword and get to the 'maiden' a mom standing about 20 feet away. I don't know if it was the cold or we just got a bad batch of balloons, but they all popped really quickly and none of the kids made it to the maiden. I knew some balloons would pop, but I didn't expect all the balloons to pop and so quickly!
Next we did jousting, which Gavin really wanted to do at his party. Since I didn't want the kids jousting each other, I borrowed a couple plastic rings from Gavin's preschool and got a couple stick horses at the Dollar Store. The kids had to 'ride' the horse and get their sword into the ring. I think the kids liked this one.
That's not a great picture since they were jousting in the back corner.
Then it was time for 'Slay the Dragon'. Gavin went first and insisted on wearing his knight helmet...it's kind of hard to slay a dragon when you can't see.
Then we went inside and ate! Here's the spread...
...sliced apples, grapes, apricots, cheese cubes and pickles. I looked up what they would have eaten at a medieval feast and pulled things from their menu that I thought the kids would eat.
And then it was time for - The Cake!!
Here's the cake on it's way in to the party room:
And in the room:
The pennents said 'Happy 4th Birthday Gavin' because I didn't have enough room to write on the cake. The front is a portcullis, the iron gate at the front of the castle, because Gavin always asks me to make a portcullis for his castle and when he saw his new, big castle downstairs, the first thing he asked was if it had a portcullis, which it doesn't.
So, that was it. I think it went okay and Gavin was happy so I think it was successful, if not perfect.
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