Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Beautiful Day

Well today turned into a beautiful day! After the kids woke up from their naps (even Gavin took a nap today!) we went out on the deck to enjoy the warm sunshine for a while. I cleaned up the sand and water table and put some water in and Gavin and Kaitlynn had a great time pouring, splashing and tossing water everywhere!

After we came back inside, dried up and changed, the kids played all afternoon. Gavin built a tower of Duplos and then tap danced around it.

Kaitlynn actually managed to build a tower five blocks high with regular blocks but I didn't get a picture because I was holding the bottom blocks steady for her. Austin was trying to put everything into his mouth. I gave him some different teethers but he just can't keep anything in his mouth even if he can get it in there. I did get a picture of him napping! Lots of fabrics in that picture...

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