Monday, September 28, 2009

Crafts, Letters and Numbers

We have been busy today. This morning while Gavin was at preschool and Austin was napping, Kaitlynn and I did our first craft together. We made a corn on the cob and glued popcorn onto it. It took Kaitlynn a few minutes to get what I was doing, but once it was time to glue the popcorn on, she took over. She dipped the popcorn into the glue and put it on her cob with no problem. She really enjoyed squishing the popcorn too!

When Gavin got home, he worked on his numbers and recognizing uppercase and lowercase 'B'. Then he made a toilet paper roll bee craft. He really enjoyed gluing on the stripes!

Austin tried apricots today. He loved them. So far the only thing he hasn't been thrilled with is peas. I think because they were jarred peas and canned peas are always gross. We'll try again when he can eat real peas. Tomorrow he's going to have green beans. I also think he's teething. He is drooling everywhere and is constantly chewing on his hand. But, he's still happy most of the time!

On a side note, this week I made a recipe for veggie cobbler I found in this month's Family Fun magazine. It was really good! It has peas, carrots, corn, potato and squash (it's supposed to have broccoli too but I forgot to get some until I was already in line at the grocery store - next time!) in a vegetable broth with a cup of milk in it to make it like a chowder. Then you make corn bread batter and pour it on top. It turned out really good!

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