Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More Food for Austin

The doctor told me a couple weeks ago that Austin would only eat a teaspoon or two a day and gradually work his way up to more food. So I've been holding back on the baby food because I worry that giving him too much at once is bad for his stomach. This afternoon he was acting like he was starving and he'd just had a bottle about an hour before that so I fed him a pouch of mango (I found some frozen baby food that comes in little pouches but they have the same amount of food as the jars). Anyway, he ate the entire package! Then he polished that off with half a jar of banana. He was so excited and happy while he was eating I didn't want to take it away from him. Hopefully he won't get a tummy ache!

1 comment:

  1. He has a goal. He sees his brother running and is determined to join him as quickly as possible.
