Friday, January 15, 2010

The End of our Military Work

Today Gavin finished his military lapbook. He worked on it some on Wednesday, we took yesterday off, so today we finished it and then came back later and put it all together. Our books are due back to the library on Monday so we got done just in time! I think it turned out well.

Gavin took some of Uncle Steve's patches to school for show and tell today. He was very excited about it and I guess the other kids really liked looking at them too!
And, I got a new phone today! I lost my cell phone on Tuesday and I still haven't found it. Luckily, I was due for an upgrade anyway so I got a new phone for free (after rebate of course). Why is it that you can't just get a simple phone anymore? And, they make the buttons smaller and smaller so they are impossible to push.

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