Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kaitlynn's Back!

We haven't had Kaitlynn in a couple of weeks but she came back this weekend and Gavin was super thrilled!

Friday, Kaitlynn painted a picture. She really likes painting...

And Austin played with lots of toys...

This morning, Gavin and Kaitlynn played with the grocery store for quite a while,
and read books together.
Gavin has been making the most of his vacation time and has stayed in his pajamas almost all week! He just refuses to get dressed! I told him to enjoy it because Monday it's back to school. He told me he was going to sleep in tomorrow since we'll have to start getting up early on Monday, so maybe he'll sleep until 8 a.m. but I doubt he makes it that long!

Kaitlynn seemed to think it was really funny that Austin is sitting up so well now. The last time we had her he was still tipping over so you had to watch him super close. Now he sits well enough I can leave him unattended! That makes my life a little easier!

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