Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What We're Up To

We've been working on more military stuff the last couple of days. Yesterday we read a book about the Air Force and their role in different wars. Then Gavin colored a bomber jet and painted sky on another piece of paper. Today we glued the jet into the sky.

Yes, that is the Navy sweatshirt again. Don't worry, I washed it yesterday so it is clean!

Today he did another worksheet that I made where he circled the vowels, but this time he had to pick out ending sounds. It was the first time we'd talked about ending sounds and he did great! He also did another worksheet where he put different forms of transportation into groups.

I've been trying to get more pictures of Austin on here but the flash goes off before the camera takes a picture, so he'll be laughing/smiling and then I end up with pictures like this:

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