Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Carpet!

This morning our new carpet was installed! It looks great and our furniture is back in the bedrooms and we are getting settled back in. Austin was very happy to be placed in his crib tonight. As an added bonus, Steven scraped off the popcorn from the master bedroom ceiling last night and painted it.
So after the carpet men had left (it took them almost 3 hours!) and I had gotten the furniture back in the bedrooms and we could move again in the living room, Gavin and I played with Play Doh. Gavin discovered my scrapbooking scissors that cut in zig zags and scalloped edges and he likes to use them on the Play Doh. Anyway, we made a snowman. Gavin was very excited about it. He really liked the top hat we added!

Austin really enjoyed playing with Play Doh too, actually he enjoyed checking out the top to the Play Doh container and seeing what all it was capable of doing.

Yesterday Gavin was working on a Cars-themed dry erase board. It has pages to trace and write letters, numbers, color words, etc. and it has counting, addition and subtraction. He usually works on the letters but he started working on the addition and subtraction. We have done addition before, he just counts both sides and then counts them altogether and I 'read' the problem as he solves it so he gets used to the symbols and what they mean. We have never done subtraction before but he wanted to since it was on his dry erase board and we worked out the problems and he did a great job! I thought it would confuse him but he surprised me.

1 comment:

  1. Just a note for any Berrys or McDaniels viewing this: That's Granny Mac's rolling pin being used to roll out the play doh. I think she would approve of its use in this manner.
