Monday, January 4, 2010

Into the Army

Gavin and I are learning about the military - because that's what Gavin decided he wanted to read about next. I guess going from knights to the army isn't such a stretch and he loves the army toys he got for Christmas.

So, we headed to the library (at the end of last week) and picked up some books about the military. It's really hard to find books about the military that are written for younger kids but we found a few.

Today we read a couple of our books, Gavin did a helicopter tracing activity and then colored a helicopter. He actually took the time to make it camouflaged and he told me all about what it was doing as he colored. I let him use colored pencils which was exciting too! He also learned the four main divisions of the military and where they fight (land, air, sea, etc.) and what the words 'veteran' and 'fatigues' mean.

We got to use our new 'craft' room even though it is far from being finished. But, I prefer Gavin to color at his little table then at my nice dining table.

After he finished coloring, we went to YouTube and watched some airplanes landing on an aircraft carrier (yesterday Gavin told me he was going to go to the Naval Academy ) and then watched a program about U.S. Army Ranger training. I had found a 5 minute clip the other day (I watch the clips before I show them to him to make sure they are appropriate) so we watched it and he wanted to watch more. Well it turns out the one I showed him was the first of nine 5 minute clips that made up a documentary about Army Ranger training that was probably shown on the military channel or something. It followed a group through their nine week training program. It was actually kind of interesting and Gavin watched the entire thing! He loved it!

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