Friday, January 29, 2010

Red and White Makes Pink!

That's what Gavin learned today! It's been quiet here this week. We haven't really been working on anything but next week we will start learning about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and maybe some other Presidents if I can find appropriate level books.

Gavin has been playing a lot with his astronauts. We read The Magic Tree House: Midnight on the Moon this week. We just finished it today and Jack and Annie went into space. Gavin has been showing an interest in space for a while but he never gets too deep into it. This afternoon he was Jack and I was Annie and we were on the moon (I was cleaning the bathrooms on the moon and a moonman was trying to get into the bathroom but we didn't know if he was friendly or not!)

We just started reading a biography about Teddy Roosevelt. We've read about three chapters so far and Gavin seems to like it. Biographies can be hard...kind of depends on the author and this is a long book with very few pictures. I'm not sure if we'll finish it but I thought we could at least try it and see how it goes.

Austin continues to eat a lot. He's sitting up at the table really well but it's funny because his head and shoulders are all you can see over the table!

He still closes his eyes every time the flash goes off. Austin also got a new book today! We read it a few times and he really likes it. Hopefully he will be a reader just like his brother!

Gavin and Kaitlynn played with Duplos this morning. They were building planes and least that was what Gavin was building, Kaitlynn wouldn't tell me what she was building!

This afternoon, Gavin painted using red and white paint. He discovered that if you mix them together you get pink paint! That was very exciting! Kaitlynn was supposed to join us but she slept through it and then went home. Hopefully tomorrow she can paint too!

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