Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adelaide looked so pretty dressed up for church on Sunday we had to take a few pictures! 

Yesterday in math Gavin worked on spatial recognition.  First we made congruent shapes on the geoboard.

Then he drew the shapes onto paper that had 'pegs' like a geoboard on it.  He had to draw the exact shape in the exact place it was on the board.  We started with basic rectangles.

Then we made the shapes a little trickier.

Meanwhile, Austin was playing with Play-Doh.

In geography we learned about the Northern and Southern Hemisphere (including that 'hemi' means half in Latin) and the equator. Gavin colored the equator and hemispheres on a worksheet.

We read about Gladys Alyward in Missionary Stories and Tom Tit Tot for our fairy tale.  We are learning about diligence in Bible this week by studying the life of Noah.  His copywork was finishing the last two lines of The Eagle by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

We also read Battles of the 1812, a book that devotes one page to either a land or sea battle.  It gives a summary of the battle and then the facts (who was in charge, how many were killed/wounded, etc.)  Since Gavin likes to learn about battles and military stuff this book was great because I have a hard time finding age appropriate books that talk about military campaigns and battles.  Then he watched several 1 or 2 minute videos on the website www.havefunwithhistory.com, an awesome website I found this summer that has history videos on all parts of American history.  Most are less then 5 minutes long but some are longer.  We watched one that was a brief summary of the causes of the war, one about the life of the soldiers and one about the famous battles.  We will be using this site a lot this year!

After school we went on the trail!  We had it almost to ourselves!

Today Gavin practiced making straight lines from one point to another using his ruler.  He also practiced making diagonal lines on a pentagon and hexagon.

His copywork today was Proverbs 10:4, "He becometh poor that dealth with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent maketh rich."  Yes, we did it in King James!  We don't do all verses in King James but I like to throw them in once in a while!

In science Gavin read three books about conifers.  We are starting our habitats unit with the forest.  This year I don't have to read all the books to him which is kind of nice!  Then Gavin cut out a coniferous tree and a deciduous tree and glued the top of each into his science notebook.

Then he decorated his trees.  Normally this would take him about half a minute but he told me he "felt like being creative today" and drew a bunch of birds!

Underneath the conifer tree he wrote three facts about conifers.  He will write facts under the deciduous tree on Thursday.

Adelaide enjoyed her green beans for lunch.

She really wanted to enjoy this cupcake but unfortunately it was pretend.  A little disappointing but she gave it all her effort anyway.

Then she went onto a croissant.

She's rolling over no problem now so when she dropped the croissant she rolled right over to grab it again.

These are the science books Gavin read today.

On another note, it's a little early to think about Christmas, but last week our neighbors bought a new freezer and offered to give us the box.  As soon as I saw it I thought it was the perfect size for a playhouse for Adelaide!  So I decided to turn it into a playhouse to give her for Christmas.  Luckily, the same day they gave us the box, Ace Hardware was giving away a free quart of paint so I went over and got a quart of pink paint!  I forgot to take a before picture, but here it is with just the pink painted on it.  Obviously, I had already cut out the door and windows.

I got one sample paint can of yellow and one of purple on sale for $1.50 each.  I painted the roof and door yellow and painted purple around the windows.  Then I used a green sample paint we had left over in the garage to paint some grass on the bottom.

Once the paint was dry I added a picket fence made of white foam board, also left over from another project.

Then I found some recyclables.

And covered them with scrapbooking paper from my scrapbooking stash.

They became a window box and mail box.
Finally we added a bulletin board border across the top, flowers in the window box and a few other details.  I painted a little bird perched on the window and a little crown on the door.  It's hard to see but the mailbox says 'Mail' in rhinestones and above the door it says 210, Adelaide's birthday, in pearls for a house number.

I may still add a doorknob but I think it's about finished!  I hope she likes it!

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