Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This morning Adelaide had her six month check up.  She is 18 pounds 5 ounces and 28 inches tall!  She had to have shots but she took it well and her brothers were very supportive!
Gavin worked on patterns on the geoboard today.  This was very easy for him!

We learned more about Noah this morning and how Noah didn't complain about the work God gave him building the ark.  Our copywork was the last verse we read, 'Thus did Noah, according to all that God commanded him, so did he.' Genesis 6:22. 

In history today Gavin watched a 20 minute video on about the War of 1812. It was produced by the US Navy in 1955 to show to Navy cadets.
In geography we started Japan.  We opened the package from Little Passports and found a picture of a Japanese house, an eraser that looks like sushi and a packet of origami paper with directions for making several animals and vehicles.

We found Japan on our map.

Then Gavin traced the country all by himself.  He did an awesome job and I think the tracing plan is going to work out well for him.  He also labeled major cities and Mt. Fuji.

We read this book about Japan.

Austin played with Play-Doh again!

Then the boys watched the opera by Mozart, The Magic Flute.

Adelaide was happy all afternoon so the shots didn't seem to affect the rest of her day.

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