Monday, August 27, 2012

We started our fourth week of school today and are getting into a nice routine, which will all change next week when Austin starts his preschool.  But we are settling in nicely.  Friday Gavin drew a picture of Noah in the ark, complete with people hanging onto the trees as the waters are rising.  I appreciate the realist in Gavin.

In math we are working on reflections.  I set up some tiles in a shape and Gavin drew what he thought the reflection would look like, then he'd look through the reflecting glass and see if he was right.

Then I let Gavin choose his own shape.

Adelaide is enjoying her new ball popper toy!  The boys really like it too. She is mesmerized by it!

Today we read Jack and the Beanstalk, much to Gavin's delight!  In geography we read the book, Me on the Map, about a girl who maps her room, then her house, then her street, town, state, country and world.  It's a cute book that shows different maps and how they all work together.
After we read it, Gavin made his own 'me on a map'.  He cut out circles and drew a picture of his room, house, street, town, city, country and world.  Then we put a brad through it so he can look through it.

Here's his state, he did great until he added the Missouri River going the wrong way but he did try and add some details!  The Mississippi is on the right.

Here's his town.  He used symbols for different places I told him to put on his map.
Here's what he ended up with!

He liked looking through it!

We also read a short story about David Livingstone. 
Austin cooked us many snacks and lunch today.

Here are the books we read today.

We learned about Old Ironsides.  We read this book,

then we read the poem about Old Ironsides by Oliver Wendall Holmes and Gavin watched a six minute video about the ship on  I think it was produced by the navy too.  For copywork, Gavin copied more of 'The Star Spangled Banner'.

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