Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I don't have many pictures from this week.  We are still reviewing and not doing anything too exciting.  We have played the corners game the last few days just because Gavin keeps asking to play it.  Today he reviewed adding by 9s in math.  In Bible we continued learning about Abraham obeying God by being willing to sacrifice Isaac.

Yesterday for copywork Gavin wrote Genesis 12:4 - "So Abram left, just as the Lord had told him."

Today and the rest of this week he is copying this poem:

The Eagle
by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely hands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

We added crag and azure to our vocabulary list.  Gavin has pulled ahead of me in our vocabulary competition.  It is now 10 to 8.  I'm going to have to step it up!  I forgot how competitive he is when I thought up this game!

The only new thing we did was we started an animal classification wall.  Since we are learning how to classify animals, and learning about animals in the countries we are learning (we finished Brazil today and will start Japan next week), and we are learning Latin, I thought it would be fun to bring it all together.  So we are adding labels as we come to them and we will probably add 2-4 animals a week.  When we start learning about habitats it will give us more animals to add as well.  As the wall fills up it will be interesting to see what animals are related.  Gavin got pretty excited about this so we will see how we do keeping it up.

As I was uploading my pictures I noticed that someone borrowed my camera when they were supposed to be working on their math book!

We finished The Adventures of Johnny Chuck today at mealtimes....

...and we will start The Adventures of Bobby Coon tomorrow.

We are still working on The Three Musketeers before bed.

And Gavin is still working on this book in reading.

Here's a few pictures of the kids I've taken playing.  These ones are from yesterday.

Adelaide has started munching on banana flavored rice husks.  It doesn't sound too appetizing but she likes them.

A little brother/sister quality time.

These pictures are from today.  More brother/sister quality time!

A kiss from Austin!
I finally sent the boys out of the room because they are so loud and rowdy.  Adelaide doesn't think life is quite as exciting without them.

Here she is lamenting the fact that her toys are so boring compared to her brothers.

She is starting to lift up on her arms and knees but doesn't appear to be going anywhere yet!

She's also starting to be able to sit tripod style on her own.  Just for 10-20 seconds at a time.  The pictures not great because I had to get back to catch her when she needed me too!

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