Friday, August 10, 2012

The first week of first grade is over and we are getting back into the school routine. 

Gavin reviewed in math all week and today he took the mid-year test in RightStart Math (we had stopped right before the test last year).  He would have gotten a 100 but he missed the question 3+4 because he was hurrying through 'easy' addition.  He was very upset when he saw me mark it wrong on his paper! 
So we are going to start on the last half of the book on Monday.   Earlier in the week we got out the math balance.  Both the boys love this!  I put the weights on one side and Gavin had to make it balance using two, three or four weights and then he found different combinations to make the same number.  Austin wanted in on the action so Gavin gave him a couple weights and told him where to put them.  They had a great time working on it together.  Gavin worked on his addition and Austin worked on number recognition!  Sorry for all the pictures but I just love the expressions on their faces while they worked on this.

I got a picture of the kids together!

 We even got out on the trail this week!  It has finally cooled down a little bit!

 Austin played with the peg board.

I got out the stringing beads for Austin because last year, even at the end of the year, he couldn't get the string all the way though the bead.  This week he has been stringing beads like he's been doing it forever!

He was very proud of the necklace he made.

Here is Gavin reviewing telling time.  I found this awesome foam clock at the Dollar Store last year!

Gavin continued to learn about honor this week through the lives of Jonathan, Timothy and Joshua.  Today he drew a picture of his favorite story and he picked Joshua leading the Israelites across the Jordan River.

We spent a lot of time outside this afternoon.  Austin found a sword.

And he saw a helicopter go by.

Happy half-birthday to Adelaide!  She is six-months-old today!  She was very happy to be outside!

Austin chased away all the bad guys from around our house.

Gavin played lacrosse.  The boy across the street even came over to play lacrosse with Gavin for a little bit.  He's in high school so Gavin was very proud to get to play with him.

Austin and I played Candyland!  I wasn't sure if he'd get the rules but he had no trouble playing with me at all!

And, one more shot of Adelaide before we leave!

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