Friday, April 26, 2013

Gavin continued to work with his geometry tools on Tuesday, using them to make perfect equilateral triangles.

Once he had drawn the triangle he figured out their perimeters.

Now that Adelaide is walking in good shape she enjoys pushing her stroller around.

She is not very gentle when it comes to taking her baby out or putting it back in!

She has also found a comfortable seat so she can cook without straining herself.

On Thursday Gavin continued some of the activities in his Engineering Kit, this time focusing on air power.  First he filled a cup with water, placed a piece of paper on the top and then turned it around.  The air pressure below the paper kept it on the bottom of the cup for a few seconds.

Then he showed how air power can make things spin.

Today he tried his hand at another painting in the style of Mary Cassatt.  We looked at this painting:
I printed off a color page of this painting on card stock and had him fill in the colors with watercolors.

When I went to tape it into his art book (the one he started in Kindergarten so he's been working on it for two years) I realized that he used the last page for his painting last week so I had to tape it on the back cover.  It worked out perfectly because we are done with art this year.  When I showed Gavin he got all upset because he thought we weren't going to study art anymore.  I told him I'd get him a new art book for next year!

We read these books on Wednesday.

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