Friday, April 19, 2013

Gavin finished both his book and the extra practice book in Awanas this year.  He received a ribbon and we celebrated with ice cream!
Yesterday Gavin continued his engineering prowess by building a simple car.  He had to make sure he followed the directions exactly for this one!  He did a good job and enjoyed launching it down a piece of wood.

Gavin added in his history journal today.  He has been working on it since the beginning of kindergarten and he is almost done.  He has a nice book of American history beginning with Leif Ericson and Native Americans and continuing to the early 1900s.

For today's first entry he wrote, "During the Industrial Revolution people went into the city.  They wanted to make money and start a new life."  The picture above the writing shows people moving to the city and the picture on the left shows people working in a factory.

His second entry says, "During the time period of the Immigration (I did not correct his syntax since he was writing so well...) people from other countries came to America for food and to make a living.  They had to pass through Ellis Island.  It was like a doctor office, restaurant and Interrogation Room all in one."  The picture is of the different rooms at Ellis Island.

I think I forgot to mention that our artist this month is Mary Cassatt and our composer is Vivaldi - we are listening to his Four Seasons.  Last Friday we read a biography of Mary Cassatt, today Gavin picked one of her paintings to copy using soft pastels.  This is the painting he chose.
He spent a long time working on his 'painting' and it turned out really nicely.

Here is the final drawing.

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