Monday, April 22, 2013

We have spent a lot of  time outdoors the last few days.  Adelaide really likes the sidewalk chalk and watching people go by.

For my latest cardboard creation, I made a fire truck for the kids to play in at Austin's birthday party.  I added red plastic cup lights to the top after I took the picture.  I used black paper plates left over from Gavin's soccer party for the wheels, duct tape for the ladders and electrical tape for the grill.  The boys have already enjoyed playing in it.

Adelaide has discovered the map in the school room.  She really likes to look at it and point at the animals and things on it.

I have been trying to only give her a pacifier at night when she goes to sleep, but the last few days she's been going into her room and reaching into her crib and grabbing it and she gets mad if I try to take it away so I think I'm losing the pacifier battle.

In math today Gavin got to work with a triangle.  He learned how to extend lines.  On the paper there was a pentagon inside a big circle.  He extended all the lines and found out it makes a star.  Then he drew the diagonal lines in a pentagon and found out it also makes a star.

We ate lunch outside today and didn't come back inside until dinner time!  It was so pretty out and it's supposed to rain the rest of the week so we took advantage of the sun while we could!

Austin and Adelaide played with GI Joes out back.

Then we moved out front since there is more shade and Austin played with his trucks while Adelaide scoped out the neighbors.

Since it was fairly quiet today she decided to read a book instead of being nosy.

Since we have learned about immigration and the Industrial Revolution, today we read about some inventors from the 1800s.  First up was Levi Strauss.

Then Elisha Otis, who invented the elevator.

And George Eastman who invented a smaller, cheaper camera and started the Kodak company.

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