Monday, April 1, 2013

Today Gavin opened a new package from Little Passports to see what country we will be learning about this month.  The first thing he pulled out was a model of a red double decker bus...we are in England!
He really liked the bus!

He read the letter and they sent a picture of Stonehenge.
This afternoon Austin and I planted carrots in our RootVue planter.  It is just a planter with a window in the side so you can watch the roots growing.  Austin thinks we will be able to see carrots in it when he wakes up tomorrow.  Hopefully he won't be too disappointed.

First he mixed the soil.
Then he added the seeds.

Then he watered his seeds.
Hopefully they will grow!

We read this book about England today.

And these books about the Pony Express.

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