Monday, April 29, 2013

This weekend the kids helped me plant some flowers for the front porch.  I forgot to take pictures of the boys helping, but they both filled their own pot with soil and picked out the flower they wanted to plant.  Adelaide enjoyed the results although we have to watch her because she keeps pulling the plants up out of their pots!

I took this picture of Adelaide this morning.  The front door was open and she was staring outside but she looked so sleepy...

This afternoon we got out the water table.  Adelaide loved it...until her brothers came over to play with her.  Then she abandoned it for other things.

She did play with Austin for a few minutes.

Today we read these books in history.  We have read George Muller before but it's a good book and we were reading about children in the time of Charles Dickens since Gavin read Oliver Twist.  It is London of course but it is similar to what happened here. 

We started this book today.

Gavin is finishing up his history journal.  Here are today's entries.  This page says, "During the Industrial Revolution people made cars, trains, cameras, machines and bridges.
And this page says, "Many people worked in factories.  They were very crowded.  In 1911 a factory in New York City caught fire killing hundreds.  This caused social changes."  (I helped him with the last sentence.)

He also made a cover for his history journal.  Ordinarily I would not have let him do this but he specifically asked to so I let him and I am trying not to let the messiness bother me.  He was very proud of his cover and thought it looked nice.  

He also watched a video on about Teddy Roosevelt.

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